30th June 2020


With history dating back centuries, there is so much to see and do in Medway.  Here we will take you on a whistle stop tour to see some of our most treasured assets from iconic landmarks to the hidden gems tucked away just waiting to be discovered.

We start in historic Rochester a place cherished by the great British author Charles Dickens and featured in his works.  Explore the stunning Rochester Cathedral one of the oldest in the country standing proudly next to the towering Norman keep of Rochester Castle.

In Chatham we discover how the dockyard became one of the most important ship building industry in the area and get a chance to discover the area's military connections at the Royal Engineers Museum.

Don't forget to visit the museums' in Rochester and learn about the area's history dating back centuries and learn about the people that visited and made the place their home.

Now it's time to explore....

Rochester Cathedra
This morning we start at the cathedral has been a place of worship and prayer since 604AD and predates the impressive castle.  Inside we can discover the medieval crypt and admire the stunning architecture and wall-paintings including the Baptism Fresco dedicated in 2004.

The cathedral is open Tuesdays to Saturdays, 10am to 1pm. 

Rochester Cathedral Fresco